
 Connecting Families, Transforming Lives

We are a strong grassroots-driven initiative searching to empower communities against injustices and stigma surrounding incarcerated individuals and their families. Making it easier for families to connect and support each other through the hardships of incarceration benefits everyone. From increasing access to important information, developing vital support programs, fighting against social stigmas, and beyond — together we are STRONGER.

We are excited to partner with Global Tel Link (GTL) to provide a unique mobile experience in our efforts to help family members of incarcerated individuals better prepare for the changes and tribulations associated with incarceration.

Read Our Press Release



Breaking down the walls separating families of the incarcerated.



Empowering, supporting and connecting families of incarcerated individuals with an easy one stop resource.



FOTi's culture is powered through respect, compassion, cooperation, and solidarity. It is our ardent belief that communication and human connection are essential to each person's well being and the success of everyone.

"Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries."

— Dalai Lama